The Power of your Thoughts “You are What You Think”

The Power of your Thoughts
“You are What You Think

Today I’m going to talk about the power of your thoughts & how your words affect not only your daily life but also the life of others.

The scientists found that every situation in your life started by a thought, which stored deeply in your subconscious mind, no matter it’s illusion (fake) or true & even you agree or disagree with it. May be you heard about that from friends, parents, teachers, TV or even a song that affected you.

These thoughts have great power & energy & like vibrations they have a specific frequency. You can’t see it but it’s there, like a wifi you can’t see it but it works around you.

When these thoughts repeat many times & get mixed with your emotions,  they stuck deeply in your subconscious mind & turning into a huge magnate attracting to you all thoughts on the same frequency according their vibration to form the situations that happened in your life.

so, if your thoughts are positive you will attract positive & if they are negative you will attract negative.

Then, the button line is that: “All what you are now is the result of your thoughts”.
So, if you want to change your life you should change your thoughts.
Now, imagine your subconscious mind as a garden & your thoughts as seeds & and you’re a gardener, so, If you want to gather a good harvest you should plant good seeds. it’s up to you, about 60,000 daily thoughts positive & negative pass through your way. so, It’s your decision. choose good seeds.

So, start to change your thoughts & watching your words with your friends & your kids, 
When you meet your friends watch your words & leave them good impressions & positive feelings. 
When you talk with your kids, appreciate them & follow positive affirmations.
and remember what our Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A good word is charity”. الكلمة الطيبة صدقة. 
And now, how can we change our negative thoughts which are already stuck deeply inside us?? 
The simple answer comes in two ways:
First, be grateful & thankful for what we already have, be grateful for your kids, your husband, your body, your money & ان شاء الله we’ll gain more as allah promises us: “If you are grateful, I will add more unto you”. “لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم”

Second, replace your negative thoughts with positive one by planting your mind with positive affirmations and watering them by repeating with all your feelings & your emotions in a present tense & positive expressions
 like: I’m beautiful, I’m wonderful, I’m amazing, I can do it, I trust myself, I believe in myself, and so on. 
But never say that in negative expressions like: I’m not afraid but say I’m brave, never say I’m not upset but say I’m happy, never say I’m not sick but say I’m healthy, & so on.

Finally, stop feeling like a victim & stop blaming others for your situations and remember Allah said: “It’s all from yourselves” “قُلْ هُوَ مِنْ عِنْدِ أَنْفُسِكُمْ”. So, start to change your thoughts to change your life because you’re what you think.

Thank you

By Sama Kamal
